The special report of the movie "Extreme Master Fu Dao ザ・シネマ" "Resident Evil 3" remake sold more tha
admin Posted in2022-02-09 Views99+ Comments0
The special report "Resident Evil 3" remake of the movie "Extreme Master Dao ザ・シネマ" sold more than 5...
Wandai nanmenggong Group organizational structure adjustment sunrise renamed Wandai nanmenggong Film
admin Posted in2022-02-09 Views99+ Comments0
Bandai Namco Group's Organizational Structure Adjustment Sunrise Renamed Bandai Namco Filmworks Retained BrandBandai...
supernatural anecdote
Sort out some taboos in various countryside
admin Posted in2022-02-09 Views99+ Comments0
Don't stay in the mountains when it's dark, even adults dare not violate this taboo. The mountain grass in our h...
supernatural anecdote
1934 Dragon Falling Incident in Yingkou, Liaoning Province
admin Posted in2022-02-09 Views1.01 K Comments0
In 1934, after a rainstorm in Yingkou, villagers found the body of a dragon in a reed pond with two forked horns on its ...